December 26, 2010

Bryce's 1st Christmas 2010

Christmas time is my favorite time of the year! I cherish the time with family and with Bryce's early arrival this Christmas was extra special! We kicked off Christmas Eve with an afternoon celebration at our house. We had over my family and Grandma (Gran) and part of Jason's family-his immediate family, his mom's Dad, and 2 Uncles. We did the same thing last year and it was great! I love how both of our families can come together, celebrate, and have some fun! Everyone brings an appetizer (or several!) and we all just nibble, visit, and do gifts! Christmas Eve night Jason and I headed over to his Grandparent's (his mom's mom and step dad) house in Carrollton. There we celebrate with another part of his family and always have a wonderful time. His grandparents prepared a WONDERFUL meal and then we did White Elephant. I scored some homemade candles that his Uncle Mark made and can't wait to burn them! Jason has a great aunt, Aunt Helen, who is older and lives in a nursing home full time. Her son went through a lot of trouble to try and bring her over, but it was just to hard on her. Before they left to take her back "home" she was able to get a peak at Bryce and I think it was special for her. Jason's cousin, John, and his wife, Amy, just had a baby on the 22nd so they were not able to come, but they were missed! Next Christmas we will all be together and Bryce and Jake will have so much fun! They are just 2 weeks apart! On Christmas morning we headed over to my parent's house which is a tradition in our house. We all have coffee cake and watch the parade (although we missed it this year) and then open up all of our presents! Santa was very good to ALL of us and we are so thankful for all of our goodies. Bryce definitely made out good!! My Uncle Jeff (my mom's brother) moved to Midland/Odessa in August and he came in town for Christmas. I am not used to being far from him so I was so excited to see him! He is the sales manager of the Harley dealership out there and bought Bryce the cutest Harley Davidson baby outfit! After we open presents and do our lottery tickets we just sit around and visit before having an amazing lunch. My mom didn't cook Thanksgiving because they went to the Cowboy game, so we were all excited for her Christmas cooking, and in true tradition she fished for compliments and we definitely gave them! That night we had our final celebration at Jason's other grandparents-his Dad's parents. There we celebrate with his immediate family, grandparents, and 2 Uncles. I have been joining this family's celebrations for several years and always love it. I was still full from lunch and could barely keep my eyes open at this point so during dinner I sat in the living room and chatted with his Paw Paw while holding Bryce so Jason could eat. I love Paw Paw and always enjoy seeing him! We chatted about him growing up, traveling, his family, and much more! It was a very special time I will always remember. After dinner we do White Elephant gifts and then we usually play our traditional game, Chicken Foot. This year we didn't play the game because White Elephant took quite some time and everyone was tired-me especially! I hate that I was such a zombie at this point but I know his wonderful family understands! So our Christmas festivities ended about 9 pm Christmas night and we came home and hit the sack! I know I have said it a million times, and I can assure you this won't be my last, but I am so thankful for my amazing families and all of the blessings I have. Throughout the days I would look around and try to take up as much as possible. Looking at Jason would bring me to tears as I think of the journey him and I have had and am still in shock we are where we are! I hope everyone had a great Christmas and enjoyed time with their loved ones! Here are some pics:
My Sherard Family

Bryce and his Great Grandma, Gran!

P.S. Bryce had his 2 week checkup and he is doing great! He has gained 8 oz since he was born, bringing him to 6 lbs 10 oz. He is still struggling at times when eating but overall he is doing GREAT!! We have started "tummy time" and so far he loves it! Tomorrow is his first real bath so stay tuned for a video and wish us luck!! UPDATE: Our video camera was not working but here are a few pics!

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