August 17, 2011

Bryce's First Vacation..The Good and The Bad!

Its official! What I assume will be Bryce's first vacation is all booked minus a few details! My family will be taking our 2nd Mediterranean Cruise, but this time we are bringing 3 more boys with us! My Dad is very happy about this as he will have wing-men! Last time we went, it was just the 4 Kolodnys. This time around we will be cruising as a gang of 6.5! My parents, Katie, her boyfriend Frank, Jason, Bryce, and I will be taking on Italy, Croatia, Spain, and Greece. I think I have the countries right, but don't hold me to it as Geography is not my thing! We will be traveling to Barcelona for 3 days or so, then boarding a Celebrity Cruise Ship (Celebrity Solstice) for a 12 night cruise which will stop at 9 different ports in the various countries. I know a lot of you reading this might be thinking we are crazy for taking Bryce on this type of trip but so be it..we are doing it! I do know it is a bit to take on as a first trip with Bryce, but I would not have it any other way! I have cruised many times before, but never with a baby, so I did a lot of research on the different Cruise Lines to see what I felt most comfortable with. Seeing as though I was probably one of the youngest on our last Mediterranean Cruise, I don't imagine there will be many kids, but it will be adventure and one we will never forget! I always said the last cruise was almost the perfect vacation..the only thing that would have made it better was if Jason was able to go with me! We visited a local Cruise Store and got the best of accommodations and know that this trip will be once in a lifetime! This is already the topic of most conversations and the planning is in full swing. I welcome any advice on traveling with a baby, so send it my way!  I am hoping that flying overnight helps Bryce sleep! My Dad has been waiting for the day we can have our first trip with Bryce, and he is already planning the next trip in his head. It is amazing the dynamic Bryce brings to my family. I love my Dad to pieces, but have never considered him a man made of patience. He knows that..its not a secret, however he has more patience with Bryce then anyone! The family joke is we all want to be Bryce! Jason and Katie's boyfriend, Frank, get along great and we are destined to have a great time! SO, you might be wondering, what could be the "Bad" side of the post...well the Cruise isn't until April 2012. It seems so far away, but we know Bryce needed to be a little older and it was pushing it for all of us to be gone from the business in little notice. I do not ever want time to fly, but in this case I do! Come on April 2012..the Kosherdez's (all of our last names combined-Kolodny, Sherard, Hernandez) are ready to say Bon Voyage!!

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