March 28, 2011

Our First Anniversary

Its hard to believe it has just been 1 short year since Jason and I got married. We have had quite an eventful first year of marriage to say the least! Over the weekend we celebrated our first anniversary and had a wonderful time. The Four Season's sent us a voucher several months ago for a free Saturday night in a suite, as well as a complimentary Sunday brunch for 2. As soon as we received it, we knew we wanted to use it to celebrate our anniversary since that is where we got married! It worked out perfect because our actual anniversary was on Sunday, so we used it for the Saturday night before.
Bryce had his first overnight with Nonnie and Pops and Jason and I had a wonderful night celebrating. We started off Saturday with a wonderful couples massage. This is the 2nd time we have done this together in a month, and have decided we are going to make it a regular thing! We are both addicted and it helps me recover from my tough workouts that Jason is putting me through :) After our massage we checked in at the Four Season's. We were given a villa overlooking the golf course, which was perfect! What I love about the Four Season's is it feels like you are "away" and out of the hussle and bussle of Dallas. It was so neat to be on the same property and relive our wedding weekend. We hung out in the room for the afternoon and enjoyed some peace and quiet. For dinner we went to Pappas Brother's Steakhouse for the first time. We typically visit Ruth's Chris or Steve Fields, but being that we were at the Four Season's these were not convenient. We also got a gift card from my parent's to Pappas so it worked out perfectly! We got there early to enjoy a nice cocktail in the bar. It was a great environment! We had a nice, long dinner with great food and even better wine. The food was equal to Ruth's Chris, BUT the service was by far above and beyond. Our server's name was Lewis, and he was amazing. Their wine list is 50 pages (no joke!) and he, along with the stewardess helped us select a nice bottle for our dinner. He suggested a bottle called The Prisoner, and it is by far the best wine I have ever had! Once he learned how much we liked he, he wrote down about 8 or 10 other suggestions for us. We have already started our mission to find them! After dinner, Jason decided that he wanted a cigar so Lewis came through with yet another great suggestion for the "not so cigar savvy." I have never enjoyed a good cigar, but wanted to try something different. Although it was rather strong, and it took me awhile to get the hang of it, I ended up enjoying it with my hubby on our balcony that night! Oh yeah, that was after we were about 10 minutes late to get some wine for our room so we were forced to pay $30 for us each to make a drink from our mini bar in our room. Oh well, it was worth it! On Sunday, we had 11:00 reservations for their amazing Sunday brunch. It was the perfect ending to our stay!
I can't believe that its already been a year since Jason and I got married. A year ago today, we were off to St. Lucia and little did we know what was coming! I could not ask for a more perfect first year of marriage. I am so thankful that despite our long journey, Jason and I ended up as husband and wife :) Who would have thought?!?!

March 13, 2011

3 Months

I cannot believe Bryce is already 3 months old! It seems like yesterday I was pregnant! Since the last update a few things have changed. I have gone back to work and am able bring Bryce with me, which made going back to work not so bad! I feel very lucky to be able to bring him to work with me. It is the best of both worlds! Bryce is definitely a lot more active now then he was at 2 months. At work I typically put him on an activity mat and he loves to "swim" and watch the lights. He is constantly moving his legs and arms and it looks like he is swimming. He notices things a lot more and follows you with his eyes. He is still comfortable in 0-3 month clothes but is going to be moving to level 2 diapers very soon! I would assume he is pushing 13 lbs and has an appetite like crazy! During the day he is eating close to 4 ounces every 3-4 hours. We still haven't put him on a regular schedule so the nights vary. Some nights he eats at 7 and then conks out till about 2 am. Other nights, we feed him at 10 and then put him down for bed and he sleeps till 6. Then we have total curve ball days, where I feel like all he does is eat! We are really trying to work on the flattening of his head and am anxious/nervous for his 4 month check up. I feel like it is improving and I am hoping he does not have to go to therapy and wear a helmet.
Another thing that has changed since his 2 month birthday is that we now have names for his grandparents! This was an easy task for Jason's family, but my parents could not decide for the life of them! Finally, we have names and can start calling them by something other then grandma and grandpa! Jason's parents are Nana and PawPaw and my parents are Pops and Nonnie (Nah-nie).
Bryce is also developing quite the personality. I think he might be a little dramatic, and have no idea where he gets that from ;) He does this fake cry pretty often, and I just know we are in for it. He loves to smile and makes the cutest facial expressions! He has such beautiful lips and I just love to kiss them!
I was always prepared for him to move into his room on his 3 month birthday, however, Jason prefers to wait for a little longer. I am totally okay with it, but we have to move him at some point and I feel like we are just prolonging it. I love having him in the room with us, but I know it has to come to an end at some point. I asked Jason if he thought he would be ready to move him my his first birthday, ha! Maybe by next update we will have made the move!
Bryce had his first overnight stay with Nana and PawPaw and from what they said it went great! Bryce slept for 7 hours! I am so lucky to have such wonderful in-laws. This was the longest I was away from Bryce and let me tell you how happy I was to see him! He is having his first overnight with Pops and Nonnie on March 26th while Jason and I go to the Four Seasons for the night to celebrate our anniversary. My mom is such a worry rat, that I am praying she can get some rest and not worry all night about him! I am so thankful that we live by family and that both of our families are so willing to help. It makes such a difference to be surrounded by so much love and support.
Every day we fall more in love with our little blessing. We are coming up on our 1 year anniversary and I feel so blessed. I could not ask for a better husband to help raise a child with. He is truly one of a kind and I am so thankful that he chose me to spend the rest of his life with. We have so many things ahead for us and I am so excited for all that is to come. So Happy 3 Months Bryce, and Happy almost 1 year anniversary Jason. I love you both to the moon and back!!
Stay tuned for some 3 month pictures!