June 8, 2011

Half a Year!

    It absolutely amazes me that Bryce was born 6 months ago TODAY! On one hand it seems like there is no way this is possible, on the other hand it seems like those newborn days were ages ago! We laugh how we used to bring 4 bottles upstairs for our overnight feedings and now we don't bring any! Each day I count my blessings and am so thankful that God has blessed us with our precious Bryce.
    A lot has changed since my last update. We have battled 2 colds and a minor rash on this legs that needed to be treated with antibiotic cream. We are on a somewhat regular routine (more on that later) and have progressed in our development tremendously!

6 Months Stats:
Weight: 15 lbs 15 oz. (25%)
Length: 26 inches (25%-50%)
Head: 17 inches (25%-50%)

   I am sorry to share that we gave up on rice cereal (ok...slap my hand now!). Bryce just did not want to have any part of it and it was so stressful for all parties involved! I am going out of town for work, but once I return we will start introducing the good stuff, fruit! He will also be allowed 4 oz. of either juice or water each day in a sippy cup. WOW! Up until now, Bryce was eating 6 oz every 3 hours but splurging on his last bottle of the day, typically eating 8 oz. I am so excited for the baby food journey. I know its a transition, and sometimes rough, but it means my baby is getting bigger!!

   "Good morning Handsome." That is how I typically start my day. That is right, I have to wake my baby up in the mornings so Momma can get to work! I always wake him up by rubbing his tush (which is normally in the air) and saying "good morning handsome." He then gives me a big stretch following by a HUGE smile! What a way to start my day! We lay him down around 8 or 8:30 at night and I typically wake him up around 7 or 7:30 in the morning. If Jason is going to work with me, I feed Bryce on the way to work, otherwise, I wait until I am at work to give Bryce his first bottle. He wakes up so happy and does not have to eat first thing, which is GREAT for me! After his first bottle, he typically goes back to bed until 10:30 or so, which is ideal for me to get things done at work. Once he wakes up I feed him again, and then he is up for a couple of hours. We rotate activities at work between the pack 'n play, swing, bumbo, cuddling, etc. I am in search for some other things to put him in/on so he doesn't get bored and stays busy! I am thinking about getting that foamy mat that we could put on the ground with a fence around it to let him move around freely. Although he isn't crawling, the Dr. said time on the floor is almost better then all the different exersaucers, chairs, swings, etc. If anyone has ideas, shoot them my way!

   We have moved into level 3 diapers and still living in our 3-6 month clothing. We have switched to Pampers Baby Dry and I like them so much more then the Pamper Swaddlers. We rarely have diaper rash and I feel like they keep him much drier, especially overnight. I typically leave Bryce in comfy clothes when I go to work, so I really enjoy our outings where I can dress him up! The kid has more clothes then I do and looks way better in them too ;)

Misc. Stuff:
   We are definitely still challenged in the hair department but its coming! I can officially "mess it up" and can't wait to spike it. His eyes are still bright blue, so looks like we have ourselves a blue eyed boy! He loves to make noises and I swear he discovers a new one every day. My favorite is a rather high pitched squeal because it just seems like he is so happy! On the flip side, he growls. Now when I saw he growls, its not like a cute grunt, its a full on growl, red face included! I hope he forgets about that noise soon..very soon! Jason and I also had our first getaway without B. We went to Vegas with some friends and did surprisingly well. I know people think we are crazy, but knowing the care Bryce was in while we were gone made it much easier. Once he cries when we leave (which he better!) it might be harder, but this time I think we did okay. In October we are going on an 8 night cruise (a redo of the one we were taking for Jason's 30th that was cancelled due the pregnancy!) so we shall see how that goes! Bryce also had his first getaway. My mom and I went to Palestine, TX for a funeral and brought Bryce along. Everything was perfect! He slept in the car and was such an angel for everyone. It was A LOT of work but we survived! I was just so paranoid he would burst out in some funky noise during the funeral but the worst he did was gag himself, like he typically does, by trying to eat his entire fist. I managed to pack everything and had a successful first road trip!

I know all parents say this, but I just want to brag on our little guy for a few sentences. He seriously is the happiest baby and is so low maintenance. He only cries when he is ready to eat and can be put in his crib for bedtime when he is almost wide awake. He just kicks and talks and then sucks his thumb till he passes out. He never makes a peep! I appreciate the compliments we get about how well behaved he is, but we did nothing. We were just blessed with the most chill baby there is! Although I would like time to slow down, or even freeze, I am so excited for all that is to come. Each day is better and better and I can't wait for what is to come.

Now, an update on Jason and I...as if anyone cares?! We have found a house in Northwest Plano and will be closing by June 23rd. We are going to redo a few things before we move in but we are so excited!! We will be looking for a new pediatrician in the Plano/Frisco area if anyone has any suggestions! Once we move, we will always have our door open so I hope our friends and family will come hang out! We will bribe you with beer and food!

And finally, pics! Here are some pictures over the last few months. We had his professional 6 month pictures taken on Sunday, so I will post those once we have them back. In the meantime, here is how our little guy looks now!

My new swim hat

Ready for Easter pics...minus 1 shoe


First trip to the Easter Bunny

Does my hat look ok?!

What parents let their kid have licorice?! He was just holding it I swear!

With Gran on my first out of town trip!

6 months today!


Picture taken by my sister, Allison!

This one too!