April 19, 2011

4 Months, Already?!

So this post is a little late, mainly because I cannot believe Bryce is already 4 months old! I see a big difference in Bryce within the last month, and each day is more and more exciting! I wanted to do something different for this blog so I am going to break it down into a few categories. I feel like my posts are boring-so here I go trying to spice it up :)

New Activities:
  • Bryce LOVES to suck on his fingers, his wrist, his arm, your fingers, your wrist..well you get the picture! I find this funny as this baby NEVER liked a pacifier. He will suck on anything that comes in front of him so watch out! I laugh really hard when he uses his other hand to push the hand he is sucking on even further into his mouth! We definitely have a thumb sucker on our hands!
  • Standing-He is happiest when he is "standing" and loves to stand with his leg tall and stiff! Its fun to test to see just how much he can do on his own! Everyone thinks he will be an early crawler, but I think that is what all proud parents say ;)
  • Rice Cereal-Those on FB know our first attempt at this, but there has been progress and we are getting it down! The funny part is, when you aren't feeding him fast enough he tries to put his face in the bowl...like a dog. Great!
Bryce definitely sleeps better when he is at home with his Mom and Dad. We put him down for bed anywhere between 9 and 10 (usually!) and he sleeps until at least 6:00 every morning. However, I wish I could report the same for when he has sleepovers and Nonnie & Pops or Nana & PawPaw's. Rumor has it Bryce still wakes up for a feeding in the middle of the night, but I think he is trying to milk the extra attention!But for their sake, I hope he gets over this soon! Or wait..maybe the grandparent's are trying to milk the extra time?! Hmmm...ha!

Ladies and Gentleman, we have a weed on our hands! He is growing so fast! We have boxed up all the preemie and newborn clothes and now fit just right into our 3 month clothes. We have a few 0-3 month outfits we can still wear but we are mainly in our 3 month clothes looking forward to those 3-6 month outfits! In addition, we had to box up some of his shoes (sigh!) but we definitely got more use out of the preemie and NB clothes and shoes then anyone thought we would!

Bryce eats a solid 5 ounces every 3 hours during the day. However, there is something about the 7:00 hour, and he loves to eat during this time. For example, it is 7:03 and I JUST fed him 45 minutes ago and he is making noises for some more. Be right back....

Man, what a chunker! Okay where was I!?

Stats (As of 4/11 at his 4 month well checkup):
Weight: 13.5 lbs (10-25%)
Length: 24 1/4" (25%)
Head: 16 1/4" (25%)

In other exciting news, we made progress on Bryce's flat spot and as of now we do not have to have him in therapy or a helmet. I know this was just a minor issue, but as a Mom I am very happy that I don't have to see my little guy go through it.

So let's see, this is life as we know it today. Stay tuned as it changes pretty quick! Again, many thanks to our families as they so generously offer to babysit and help us out. A lot of people are amazed at the support we have and I am so thankful for it! Jason and I are capable of spending ample time together, just us 2, and we could not do it with our families!

Next adventure is finding a new home that is perfect for our little family. Wish us luck as we begin our journey!

Pictures to come soon! Bryce needs attention and its all me tonight :) Toodles!!