February 8, 2011

Two Months and Growing...

Happy 2 Month Birthday Bryce! Poor guy had to start his day off with a 9:15 am Doctor's appointment for his 2 month well checkup, NOT fun! They say they don't remember things right now, and boy I sure hope this is true! He had his first round of shots today in his precious thighs, and my heart just about broke. We heard a cry that we have never heard before, and I would be okay if I never heard it again. Overall though, I think he is a tough cookie-much tougher than Mom at least!
His stats get confusing because he was 5 weeks early. We get his percentiles based on his real age, and then she adjusts the curve to show his percentiles as a premature baby. So bottom line, we have both a runt and a chunker! Confusing, huh?! That is what I said! He weighed in at 10 lbs 6.5 oz, was 22" long, and his head is 15" around. His weight falls in the 25%, length 10-25%, and his head at 10%. So according to this, Bryce sounds like a runt! BUT, if you adjust them he is in the 75% on all 3, which makes him a chunker! I don't fully understand it, but the Doctor said he is growing as he should, so we will just leave it at that! Each visit Jason and I make a bet on who can guess his weight and this week Jason won. He guessed 10 lbs 6 oz and I guessed 10 lb 8 oz. Whatever, I will win next time :)
The only other thing we took home from this appointment is hand outs on strengthening Bryce's neck. He has some flattening on the right side of his head and we need to correct this before it gets worse. It's nothing serious, we just have some exercises to do and need to be conscious about how we hold him, lay him down, feed him, etc. Almost everything we do makes him lean to his right so it makes sense that this has happened. We will fix it though, and all will be fine! Just more of an excuse to keep him lying on my chest longer, right?!
Now, on to the fun stuff! It seems like he changes or does something new everyday. He is staying awake longer and eating much better, thank gosh! During the day he typically eats 3 ounces every 3 hours but at night he has gone 4-6 hours between feedings, which is nice! We typically feed him around 10 or 10:30 and try to get him to eat at least 4 ounces. We put him down for bed right after this feeding and he is typically asleep pretty quick. He then will wake up between 3 and 5 and has even gone as long as 6 am. This has definitely been a treat for us! We still feel very fortunate as he still rarely cries. We don't have to rock him to sleep or do anything special. He typically falls asleep on his own without much commotion. Cross your fingers this trend sticks! We just bought Baby Wise and will start exploring that very soon in order to get on a schedule and have more consistency. I am very much a planner so this will be nice for me!
So that is where we are now! Here are some pics we took tonight to celebrate!