January 17, 2011

Pics, Pics, Pics

Here are some pictures of Bryce from his first 6 weeks! Enjoy!

Not Mom's Choice...

Poppin' my collar

Love the face he makes when he is burped

Gig 'Em!

All dressed up and nowhere to go!

January 11, 2011

One Month!

Well now I know it is true, time really does fly by! On January 8th we celebrated Bryce turning 1 month old, and oddly enough that was his expected due date! I cannot believe it has already been a month! It feels like he changes every day and it is so fun to watch. At his last Doctor's appointment he was up to 7 lbs 1 oz, but now we think he is at least 8.5 lbs. Jason weighed himself with and without holding Bryce and that is how much his weight changed, so we know he is growing! This past month has been such an amazing experience. At times I compare it to living 1 LONG day with short naps, but overall I feel very blessed. Bryce has only had 2 rough nights so I cannot complain at all. On a typical day he eats about every 3 hours and is up to eating 4 ounces at a time. Typically he falls asleep right after feedings, but we have definitely noticed him being more alert with each passing day. The only time he cries is for about 2 minutes before feeding time, which is how long it takes us to prepare. Once the bottle hits his mouth he is good to go. I am having to feed him through a bottle as he never latched on. I struggled with this at first, but the nurses said it is very common for babies who come early. We tried over and over but due to his bilirubin situation, I just never felt comfortable not knowing how much he was getting and so a bottle made me feel better. Enough about that though, on to more fun topics. Bryce is still wearing preemie clothes and some newborn outfits. We can't wait for him to grow as we have a whole wardrobe we are dying to put him in! He makes the funniest faces and noises and we love to just sit and watch him. Jason and I were able to ring in 2011 together and really enjoyed ourselves. My parents watched Bryce and Jason and I went out for sushi and to a friend's house for a NYE party. It was such a fun night and I definitely made up for lost time, oops! We stayed the night at my parents house and I stayed there the next day (and night!) because Jason was working. My parents really spoiled Bryce (and me!). This past Saturday Jason's family watched Bryce and Jason and I had another date night. This time we went to dinner at a great Hibachi place then to the movies. His family had a blast with him and told us we came home to early! We feel so lucky to have so many babysitters! We attempted to take pictures of Bryce on his 1 month birthday, however, shortly into the "shoot" he spit up EVERYWHERE and we had to stop.